
A Map of Abandoned Strategies, Possible Outcomes and Lost Causes

Exhibition at Trykkeriet Bergen, March 15 - April 13 2025

New works in silk screen and digital print, produced at Trykkeriet, February - March 2025.

The print technicians at Trykkeriet produced the prints in close collaboration with the artist. Welsh has previously used the silkscreen process multiple times in larger public art projects, including at Halden Prison (2009) and the Østland Terminal at Posten in Lørenskog (2010). With experience as a graphic designer in the late 70s and early 80s, he has long had an interest in a visual language that combines elements of fine art and design.

A Map…. is the title of a diverse collection of visual material produced over the last year. As quite an absurd proposition, the title is a hint on how one might read the images, but is not a recipe pointing to any specific meaning. The images in the exhibition, a selection from a much larger series, are meant to point toward one another and provide an opportunity to read the exhibition as a whole. Many of the images hover between concrete representation and a more abstract expression. Shifts in scale and the building of motifs in several layers combine to open a dialogical space where both the artwork and the viewer play a role in meaning-making. The images are meant to be both serious and playful, and the intention is that the joy of creation is visible in the exhibition.


MOVING Ålesund 2025

 On 20 - 21 February, I participated in this year's Moving video festival, arranged by Aggregat artists' workshop in Ålesund, where I held a lecture on Video Art in Norway.  The speciality of Moving festival, in which I first participated 12 years ago in 2013, is a series of outdoor video projections in Ålesund's public spaces including a pedestrian shopping street and the facades of older buildings. This year's artists were Kaia Hugin, Kjell Bjørgeengen, Stein Henningsen, Ørjan Amundsen, Sara Larsen Stiansen and Zhanna Gladko. 


Kaia Hugin watching projection of her video
Motholic Mobbles no. 11

Stein Henningsen artist talk in the Moving seminar

Kjell Bjørgeengen's 1984 video Giants Disco projected on the gable end
of an old building



HardScore, a workshop and concert at Wrap, Bergen, from 2 - 7 December 2024. Initiated/directed by Jeremy Welsh, with the participation of Mareike Dobewall (voice/sounds/performance), Michael Francis Duch (double bass/sounds) and Alwynne Pritchard (cello/voice/sounds). Jeremy Welsh, video and bass guitar.

A series of performances were developed and recorded on video. Video projections were used for the performances. Musical performances combined acoustic and amplified sound.

Video from the project will be released and posted online at Vimeo in the near future.


Upcoming projects in May 2024

The exhibition 6 Songs, ABOT, IOD at Kunstgarasjen finished on Sunday 21 April, and the next two projects are right around the corner, both coming up the first weekend in May.


Galleri Langegården in Bergen will be showing the 2024 digital film Blank Pages, from 4 - 26 May. (Still images below).  

Together with Trond Lossius, Tijs Ham and Øyvind Brandtsegg in the group Pixels.Frames.Beats.Drones, I will be staging the latest version of the performance project Persistent Disequilibrium at Rosendal Teater in Trondheim as part of the Meta.Morf biennale for art and technology.

As has been the case with previous iterations of Persistent Disequilibrium, we will take some of the elements of earlier performances and will add new material that is specific for this performance. 



Documentation photos from Kunstgarasjen

Today I received the documentation photos of 6 Songs, ABOT, IOD at Kunstgarasjen, Bergen. Thanks to photographer Thor Brødreskift for excellent pictures ! 

6 Songs (2024) is a series of large digital prints that are also considered to be graphic scores to be interpreted by musicians. During the exhibition opening, bassist Ole Amund Gjersvik improvised a response to the series, and on Sunday 7th. April, musician Alwynne Pritchard will interpret one or more of the pieces.

ABOT: A Box of Time (2020-21) is a series of 52 collages, plus one large scale digital print, made in March 2024.

IOD is a nine minute video made in 1984, and shown in numerous festivals and exhibitions, as well as television broadcasts over a 40 year period. In 2013 it was purchased by The National Museum, Oslo and featured in the exhibition Paradox, a survey of Norwegian video art.

The exhibition at Kunstgarasjen, Møllendalsveien 15, Bergen, continues until 21st. April.